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There are many Paths up the Mountain... but there is no Mountain.
photo by Michael Pörtner 2022Regardless of whether or not there is a Mountain, there is definitely a Path.
If your consciousness is evolving, you are stepping along your Path.
The Path never ends, but it has a beginning.
Once you consciously start along the Path, there is no way to stop.
Even when you think you are off track or nonfunctional, you are still on the Path.
Where you are and what is happening right there is your Path in this specific moment.
Knowing this may help you to more fully enjoy to transformational benefits of adversity.
If you prefer wealth, fame, security, possessions... you may have gotten off the elevator at the first floor.
No harm in that. Get off at any floor you wish.
Just be clear about which 'you' is choosing which floor to exit the evolutionary elevator.
If you work in a corporation, the church, the government or military, or are dealing in weapons, drugs, child pornography, sex-slave trafficking, IPOs, Forex, Hedge Funds, or are on a SWAT team... you may have pushed the 'DOWN' button on the elevator.
No harm in that. There is no bottom end, either.
There you have it: the Thoughtmap of the Path.
The rest is up to you.
The word 'path' can have many meanings. There are, for example, paths in the forest, paths to ruin, paths to fame and fortune, paths to recovery, paths to glory, paths to building or owning your own home, paths to finding gold in the mountains, paths in a video game, paths to healing, and paths to achieve certifications such as a black belt in Judo or a Doctorate Degree at a University.
One of the strongest coachings from modern culture is to 'get your career path started'. The idea is that following recognized achievements and employment steps empower you to command a higher salary, move up the corporate hierarchy, gain reputation and professional credibility, and eventually become 'successful'.
Each kind of path reflects the values of its gameworld.
One particular path is the Path of Evolution. What is that?
'Evolution' in the sense given by the context of Possibility Management means the Evolution of how much Consciousness you can apply practically to create real results.
You have already experienced what this feels like. Before any particular evolutionary step you can create one set of things. After the evolutionary step you can create something different that you could not create before. After the step you are able to create something new because you are able to be more responsible. What is the thing in you that changes for you to become more responsible? Your Matrix!
Responsibility is Consciousness in action.
In other words, Responsibility is applied Consciousness.
The change of your Being from one shape of Responsibility to another shape of Responsibility occurs through a Liquid State during which time the 'Matrix' structure of your Being reorders from one pattern to a more elegant, more sophisticated, more integrated arrangement. In other words, Evolution occurs best within a specifically held Space (Cavitated, Held, and Navigated by a Spaceholder) who navigates you through any of the 5-Body Liquid States that may occur.
Did you ever consider what the Purpose of the Universe might be?
If you look at what happens over time to star systems, planets, living organisms, or social systems, you will see that they become more complex, more elegant, more refined, more aware. One could reasonably claim that the purpose of the Universe is the Evolution of Consciousness.
There is no top end to Evolution.
Courtesy of the Wachowskis
Courtesy of the J. G. Bennett Foundation
Map Making vs. Path Walking
A thoughtmap is a construct made out of distinctions. Your thoughtmaps determine how you can interact with the real world.
Gaining a new thoughtmap changes the structure of your Being. This explains why, when you gain a new thoughtmap, the Universe and Gaia and E.C.C.O. can each interact with you differently.
What you think with is very different from what you think about.
A thoughtmap is what you use to think with. What you think about are the facts, ideas, opinions, conclusions, and information you copied from your parents and learned in school and from the media.
Adding new information to what you know expands your knowledge bank.
In comparison, gaining a new thoughtmap builds the matrix to hold more consciousness in your Being and moves you on your evolutionary path.
Gaining more knowledge is not the path of evolution.
You need new thoughtmaps to enter new territory, for example, to go step-by-step across a bridge from modern culture to next culture.
And yet, the skills that enable you to implement the clarity of a new thoughtmap as real-life changes in a gameworld such as a relationship or a nanonation, are different from the skills that enable you to discover, refine, document, and successfully deliver a new thoughtmap to another person.
Those skills would come from Possibilitator Training.
Nobody is the enemy;
we're all just martyrs to evolution.
- David Gerrold, in his book: book A Rage For Revenge (Matrix Code BOOK0254.00), p. 141
Where Are You On Your Path?
There exist many intelligence tests and classifications (IQ Tests, Mensa), certification programs (Bachelors, Masters, PhD), personality typing systems (Enneagram, Myers-Briggs, Human Design), chakra readings, aura readings, hand-eye coordination tests, etc. These all have their specific uses.
Which test measures your awareness? How can you find out where you are on your path of evolution of consciousness?
One answer about where you are is that results never lie. The Universe is a gigantic feedback generator. The results you are creating indicate where you are on the Path. Regardless of the excuses you come up with or the justifications you believe, what you have is what you want.
Who you are is other people's experience of you. You know you have changed when other people's experience of you changes.
What you are is where you are. Trying to figure out in your mind where you are may not help you much. Trying to be somewhere else other than where you are also may not help you very much.
Relaxing attentively into being who you are and where you are will tell you what you are in each moment. From what you notice, you gain clarity for taking your next steps.
You can only take the step directly in front of you. You cannot take the step that you may see 'over there'.
The path itself is an amazingly accurate indicator of where you are.
Human beings do not change until it is too painful to keep doing the same thing. Discovering the implication of this distinction starts with remembering that each human being develops a unique psycho-emotional survival construct entirely dedicated to keeping things the same: your Box. Your Box logically deduces that if you have survived until now with the way things are, you will keep surviving as long as things stay the same. Your Box’s predisposition seeks comfort of the know and avoids the pain of change. Your Box’s safety reactions were built over years, decades of habitual grooves patterned-into your nervous system.
Considering the Box’s fear of the pain of changing its own survival habits, positive thinking, methods and motivation are weak forces. The pain of awareness, on the other hand, is a much more powerful force for change because the place from which life decisions are made is built out of awareness. The lack of awareness leaves us to make no new choice. Expansion of awareness gives us new options to choose from scary as they might be.
The pain of awareness is not to be confused with psycho-emotional pain. Psycho-emotional pain is created by your Box to keep you at home for your own survival. Awareness pain is the pain of expansion from being exposed to the unknown. Because your awareness expands it does not fit inside of your home anymore. You know this from trying to go home for the holidays after you have become more aware than your home context allows.
For decades, in your ‘comfort zone’, you might constantly feel depressed, lonely, guilty or shameful. At some point in your life, you figured out that being depressed (or anxious, self-doubting, hateful, resentful, hopeless, betrayed, ...) was safer than setting one foot beyond known limits. Depression is a mixed emotion of sadness and anger. If you are depressed, your pure anger remains inaccessible to say ‘Stop’ or ‘No’, change things or make clear decisions. Your pure sadness also waits unavailable for you to connect heart to heart, grieve or let go. In a culture where it is not allowed to feel angry or sad (or scared or glad), it is a common survival mechanism to mix emotions to avoid experiencing the transformative energy and information of pure feelings. Similarly to depression, loneliness is a mixed emotion but of fear and sadness. Guilt and shame are also both mixed emotions of anger, sadness and fear. Mixed emotions are painful, sometimes to an unbearable degree. Strangely enough, suicide is more often than previously recognized chosen over transformation because home pain is familiar. Home pain gives you an identity. Who are you if you are not depressed? Who are you if you do not feel alone? What dangerous new adventures might you create if you did not constantly feel shame or guilt?
Home pain drains your life force to the degree that you are left with little to no vitality for leaving home. A certain amount of activation energy is required to recognize that something completely different from home is possible right now. A candle wick will not start on fire until it is close enough to a burning match. The unlit candle stands for eternity alone in the dark. Until that surprising moment, you might have not even considered that you could have had a choice to leave home.
It can be that even as you are faced with choosing between the painful experience of home and the painful awareness that something else is possible, home wins. It wins because it is known. Whereas you don’t know how the transformational pain goes. You fearfully imagine that it will be bigger.
Therefore you will not change until the pain of not fulfilling your desire for something different becomes greater than the ordinary pain of home.
I want to share an inside trick, a trick I learned from Tom Sawyer. Tom Sawyer suddenly packs a few things into a cloth, ties it to the end of a stick, throws the stick onto his shoulder and leaves home to set out into a whole new world. The trick works because home will not change, you can always go back there. Whereas the opportunity to leave home can disappear in an instant, buried under an avalanche of reasonable addictions to mediocrity.
It is your spirit. To let your spirit suffocate and die may not be your true life wish. Something completely different from this is possible right now.
Possibility Management emerges out of the radically-responsible context of Archiarchy. The instant you set into a Possibility Management space, you are in Archiarchy. Archiarchy functions very, very differently from Patriarchy Modern Culture. Archiarchy can be compared to another Universe where everything is different: the gravitational pull, the atmospheric pressure, which makes the core element reacts in unpredictable ways, at least to someone who only knows Ordinary Modern Culture.
Archiarchy does not overlap even on inch with Patriarchy. The behaviors, thought patterns, relationship behaviors that have saved your Life in Patriarchy do not work in Archiarchy, they stick like a sore thumb.
Immediately, you might have the sensation that 'you do not know how to be', 'you do not know what to say (implicitly adding: to survive)', 'you do not know what the 'authority figures' wants from you'. Your well rehearsed show is useless.
How can that be when you have sacrificed so much for this show? This is a absolute betrayal. Yes indeed, you might experience betrayal from 'all these people who think they are better because they live in Archiarchy'. You might experience Rage, intense Fear, or huge Grief, maybe even Resentment against the Path or Archiarchy.
The betrayal, of course, does not come from Archiarchy. It is a much more profound, and long awaiting betrayal. It is the betrayal from your parents, your mentors, your teachers, your friends, your partner who did not tell you. They did not tell you that they sacrificed their aliveness on the altar of survival in Modern Culture. They did not tell you that you could choose something different. They did not show you a different way. They send you to school. They supported your show. They required that your show support their show. They demanded that unconsciousness prevails, because the pain of realizing their sacrifice and yours is too much to bear.
It has become more clear that one of the first steps on the Path is to thoroughly go through the grieving process of such betrayal sacrificing the Gremlin-feast of projecting your betrayal on your future friends and foes on the Path of Evolution. This Growing Up process would not only include Sadness, but also Rage and Fear and could easily include taking apart Resentment born from Expectations and Assumptions you (reasonable I might add) made about your caretakers. Expectations such as: I expect my caretakers will love me, I expect my caretakers will make the best decision for me and not for them, I expect my caretaker to know better, I expect my caretaker to not use me as Gremlin food, I expect my caretakers to be edgeworkers or researchers or lovers of the unknown, I expect my caretakers ... (you complete the sentence).
Quickly, in Archiarchy, you will notice your incompetence for sustaining, not even mentioning empowering Archiarchal spaces. It is quite possible that you have wired in yourself that incompetence equals being wrong, being wrong equals failure, that failure equals not being worth it, that not being worth it equals being rejected or kicked out or exiled, which is ultimately equated to death. This means inside of you, you have wired incompetence with death. If we follow this reasoning to its end, your cross-wiring triggers imminent death any time you step into Archiarchal spaces. Your Being might be longing for the Clarity, the Connection, the Love and Intimacy that it experiences in such spaces. But your Box and Gremlin are in constant full death alert.
When you notice that you are incompetent in Archiarchal space, and you do not know what to do about such incompetence, then you might use of the following survival strategies to deal with your incompetence:
- You might move into a full Gremlin attack towards the assumed 'authority figures' repeatedly the spaceholders of such spaces by accusing them of abuse, or threatening them to destroy their reputation, or trying to rally others in the space to notice how evil-minded the spaceholders are.
- You might put on your most delicate 'White-Widow-I-will-seduce-you-into-submission' show.
- You might choose the chameleon strategy by which you give your center away so thoroughly and invisibly that you manage to behave as it is requested from the space, but not from your own centered Authority, only from your mastered ability to notice what is needed and wanted and immediately giving the spaceholder what they want, (not knowing that an Archan spaceholder does not want anything from you).
- You might lock yourself away in an ivory tower so high that no one can touch or reach you. Any attempt to reach you is destroyed with justifications about the benefits of 'taking care of yourself'.
- You might play the weak and powerless child victim of your own own Gremlin, Child, or Parent Egostate Emotions and behaviors. You notice them. You might even be able to explain them. But changing them is outside of your range of actions. You might even think that your powerlessness give you permission to abuse others with your behaviors. (Let me assure you, it does not.)
Your survival strategies are doomed to crash against the Reality of the Path of Evolution. It is a good news! It is what you have come to Archiarchy for - at least to some degree. The attempts of your Box and Gremlin to destroy Archiarchy are ridiculous. Archiarchy is a Possibility. A Possibility cannot be eliminated by Gremlin attacks. A Possibility is available for anyone who has the Coin of the Realm (of such Possibility). Without the Coin of the Realm, you are stuck at the door. Banging on the door, pleading with the guardians of the door, bargaining with them, threatening them, or seducing them cannot get your through the door. You might be able to corrupt a guardian, it still does not give you the Coin of the Realm. The door remains closed. Why fight the guardian instead of doing what is necessary to get the Coin of the Realm?
In Archan cultures, Authentic Adulthood Initiatory Processes begin around eighteen years of age. They are essentially the same regardless of your gender - which is a very different approach from traditional indigenous initiations which are completely different depending on if you are male of female. In Archiarchy, Adulthood Initiations could begin as early as sixteen years old if you have been truly 'unschooled' your whole life - not sent to public school or forced to follow a strict 'homeschool curriculum'. In unschooling you would already have a closer connection to your Archetypal Lineage, your true Potentials, and the Infinite Resources, and would have built more Matrix that allows you to take Radical Responsibility than is ever permitted in public schooling, which is instead dedicated to the opposite, to suppressing your Creative Agency.
When you begin your Authentic Adulthood Initiations you are at the stage traditionally referred to as Apprentice. Much needs to occur at the Apprentice level before you are moved by your Trainers and Initiators - not by your own choice or will - into your Journeyman phase. (NOTE: Reading the six volumes of the Alvin Maker series of books by Orson Scott Card helps set the stage for you to understand these terms 'Apprentice' and 'Journeman' in resonance with the meanings meant here.)
In the Archan Adulthood Initiatory Path, 'Mastership' is never conferred because the Path has no end. There is ongoing development and learning, in particular with the art and skills of Replacing Yourself, providing Authentic Adulthood Initiations, and expanding the fields of Research and Discovery, building out and Mapping new Archan territories, territories which have never been inhabited on Earth before.
During Archan Journeyperson phase, you actually journey. You get far away from your birth culture, for years. Southeast Asia is a good place to start...
Archan Apprenticeship goes from sixteen or eighteen years to twenty-two or twenty-five years of age.
Archan Journeyman goes from twenty-two or twenty-five years to your early thirties, at which time it would automatically be occurring that you would be implementing your Nonmaterial Value building out your part of Archiarcy Infrastructure through Cavitating, Holding, and Navigating Spaces for Archan Gameworlds.
An ongoing implementation in every Archan Gameworld is, "Who are the next Archan Gameworld Builders?" Each Archan Gameworld is designed for its own demise, in so far as it is also a Gameworld Builder School for that particular Archan Gameworld. Apprentices and Journeypersons continually circulate through learning how to build out the next Gameworld of this type in Archiarchy.
3 Types of Pathwalkers
Since time immemorial it has been known that there are three kinds of Journeyers on the Path. Each kind of Pathwalker is driven by their own unique motivation when looking for the Initiators, Healers, and Trainers who will accompany them fruitfully along the Path.
The first type of Pathwalker assumes that the guide has all the information the Pathwalker will ever need. The Pathwalker participates in what the guide offers so as to collect information. Soon the Pathwalker does not like or understand an answer that the guide gives them. Rather than becoming different enough to understand the guide's answer, they conclude that the guide does not know everything. The Journeyer gets disappointed, critical, and aggressive, and then they leave looking for another guide, one who 'knows everything'. These Pathwalkers are never satisfied.
The second kind of Pathwalker comes to a guide because the guide meets the Pathwalker’s expectations about what a guide should be like. The image that the Pathwalker projects onto the guide matches their fantasy. They fall in love with the guide, thinking this is the way. Sooner or later the guide does something that is 'not quite right' according to the Pathwalker’s assumptions, expectations, projections, reasons, prejudices, judgements, conclusions or reactivity. The Pathwalker gets disappointed, or heartbroken. Their love is unrequited. They attack the guide, thinking that if they prove that the guide has hurt them, then the guide will come around and rescue them. The guide won't play this game, so the Pathwalker leaves, looking for another guide who fits their image better and will 'love them enough'. These Pathwalkers are never satisfied.
The third kind of Pathwalker comes to a guide because they want clarity and possibility. They want challenges and clear feedback. They want their 'X' on the map about utterly new Contexts that are possible, and how to relocate their Point Of Origin there to become a Person Of Agency. They want the rug pulled out from under the old beliefs, old decisions, and old Survival Strategies they regarded as indisputable truth for so long, so that the Pathwalker can lighten their load and can Journey into new realms. This kind of Pathwalker is not willing to let anything create doubt, or get in the way of their search for their next step. Even the lack of the guide's faith in them will not influence the Journeyer's faith in the Path. This kind of Journeyer is satisfied from the first moment on.
Pulling The Rug Out
a report from a Pathwalker
I want to share something here with the group. I sometimes struggle to speak during calls. I’m looking into why that is, but for now, I will share this here.
Part of my journey with this Study Group is a journey into seeing how crippling my niceness, charm, and charisma have been. A few weeks ago, I received some feedback that made it so that for about 36 hours, I could no longer NOT SEE the unbelievably high price I have paid and continue to pay in my life for the sake of being a smiley, likable guy. I have forfeited my Authenticity. This forfeit has gotten me a life that to almost everyone around mean looks “really good” – and what a golden handcuff that “really good” is.
During this 36 hours, I went through an emotional healing process, but all throughout, I was being worked. My body shook everywhere, tears were in my eyes constantly. An involuntary rage seared through my body. How did this happen? When did I install this “inauthenticity software?” How is it that I live in a world where at every turn, I see more encouragement for being inauthentic, for smiling more, having no balls, having no spine, having no one at home.
The weeks since this moment happened have seen me being wildly different in my relationships. A new and inelegant intolerance at the ways I’ve built connection in my life has emerged, and I have begun to take radical action. In the past, I have liked the notion of saying the scary things that risk the relationships I have in order to finally have a chance at creating the relationships I want. I have thought this was a very pretty idea. And now, these last weeks, I am living it in a way that is rocking my world.
Each relationship has needed a kind of destroying and reset, and my Gremlin has been so helpfully (and lovingly) indispensable in finally letting me say the things my Box has been unable to say. I am crying writing this.
Some friends who’ve encountered me during this phase have told me that they need to take a long pause from the relationship. One friend who I told, “I cannot be funny with you for the duration of this experiment,” initially freaked out, and then the next day sent me a text thanking me for my courage. Another friend told me, “Devin, you have a great personality – one of the best – and everyone likes it. And, if that personality is coming at too high a cost, I am in your court as you go through your process.”
What do you even say to a friend who says a thing like that? I couldn’t say anything other than, “You have no idea how much that means to me.”
There is a last friend that I am working with now. When I told him that I could no longer tolerate the way I had been in our connection and that I wanted something different, his answer was essentially, “No.” This friend is powerful, wealthy, and a man I have looked up to and given my center to for years. There has been a benefit of knowing him – he sends clients my way, he has given me large sums of money, he has introduced me to important people.
But what has the price been? My dignity. Yes, my priceless dignity has been the price. I didn’t know that until recently.
Right now, I stand in my terror as that relationship crumbles. My Box is FREAKING out. My heart feels broken. But my commitment to myself and my path does not feel broken. That is so new for me.
I want you all to know that, because when you know it, I feel held by this Village. I feel the courage to really pull the rug out and stand on the groundlessness.
Thank you for reading this and for doing this work with me.
by Leslie Greenwood
And on we climb, not just me, but a whole group of us, a community, a Team. And....the mountain.
When we reach what we thought was the peak, we look around to see... another peak! Another peak with more obstacles and blockages, that we couldn't have planned for ahead of time!
Some of us cry, others laugh. Some rage, others tremble.
We know we can't do it alone, so we stick together.
Sometimes we forget about the necessity of the Team, at least I do.
But I'm a different person now. I'm a fellow climber, making my way on a Path on the Mountain of consciousness, and paying Attention to what's in my pack, so I'm not carrying what no longer serves me.
I Notice that my determination feeds others' determination to stay the course, to proceed, one step at a time, the next step only after this one is accomplished.
And I take that earnestly, because I am a Spaceholder.
It is important to grant yourself permission to wander as part of your journey.
So often mischaracterized as lostness, there is an immersion in the not knowing
that is actually quite necessary if you are going to find your way home.
So much information can come up when you are looking in no particular direction.
By surrendering to the unknown, you create the space for a deeper knowing to emerge.
In the heart of the not knowing,
the paths that you are here to walk reveal themselves....
Matrix Code PATHxxxx.01
The first useful question to ask yourself about wanting to know where you are along your path of evolution is: Who is asking?
This EXPERIMENT is to get out your Beep! Book and write down your answers to the following questions under the heading: WHO WANTS TO KNOW?
Who wants to know?
Why does this part of me want to know this?
What are my hidden motivation for wanting to compare where you I am to where others are? (To see who is ahead or behind? Faster or slower? Better or worse?)
What is my Hidden Purpose wanting to judge myself for not being farther or quicker? (Wanting to find some way to criticize myself? To beat myself up, as I do for so many other things?)
How am I using use self-criticism to create pain or fear to manipulate myself into changing my behavior?
Why do I think I must manipulate myself to take steps on the path of evolution?
(Do I think I 'should' evolve? That it is 'cool' to be on the Path?)
Be radically honest about your introspections. Write down whatever you discover about yourself, even if it is not a pretty sight.
Anything you can bring solidly into your awareness about yourself loses power over you because your awareness creates the possibility of choice.
Be poetic in your writing.
Do not limit yourself to one word answers, analysis, judgments, or self-criticizing answers.
Bring your results to your next Possibility Team and read them out loud to everyone. Ask team-mates to use Vacuum Rapid Learning on you about anything they intuit might be useful for you to go deeper with. Trust their intuition even more than they do. Do what they suggest.
Matrix Code PATHxxxx.02
Every point on the path of evolution has value.
This EXPERIMENT is to make valuable use of where you are on your path of evolution to help others.
Is this possible? (Yes, it is possible, no matter where you are on your path of evolution.)
One way to make use of where you are on your path of evolution is to give away whatever distinctions you have to whoever comes to your Study Group, S.P.A.R.K. Experiment meeting, Possibility Team, Worktalk (a talk where you also do a couple of experiential exercises together), Webinar, or Workshop.
How do you know someone wants the value you are offering? They come to your event.
This EXPERIMENT is to create and do an event.
Even if only one person comes, give them everything you can.
Matrix Code PATHxxxx.03
Another way to make use of where you are on the path of evolution is to go to the groups, meetings, Worktalks, Workshops, and Trainings from people who deliver distinctions that you do not yet have, and fully participate there.
Start early in the event, and speak out more than once.
Ask authentic questions.
Ask dangerous questions.
Ask the questions that certain parts of you do not really want to hear the answers to for fear that the answers will change your life.
Then listen to the answers the Trainer gives with your 100% focused attention. Be an absolutely-empty space of listening. Write down what they say in your Beep! Book. Your Box will force you to forget anything that is not already in your Box for fear you might Expand Your Box...
This is a service to the person who may (or may not...) be further than you on the path of evolution. The service is that by asking questions that come from your authentic necessity you call true value through the Trainer and make use of their resources.
One of the biggest gifts a Trainer experiences is being authentically well used.
Matrix Code PATHxxxx.04
Meetings With Remarkable Men is on Possibility Films. It is the dramatized 'documentary' of the life of George Ivanovich Gurdjieff based on a book of the same name.
After the film, wait 5-10 minutes in total silence. Let your feelings and emotions bubble up to the surface. Then consider these questions out loud. Make and hold an absolutely safe space for people to share their thoughts and feelings:
- Where am I on my Path?
- Who are the others on my evolutionary Path Team?
- How much can I count on them even if they are not perfect?
- What did you feel and think when you saw the people doing the Movements?
- What are you practicing now to stay awake in your life?
- What are you struggling most with?
- What is your next step on the Path?
- How can this Team support you?
Write a short 3 page article about being on an authentic evolutionary Path.
After watching the film, please register Matrix Code: MOVIE229.00 at your free account at Watching the film is worth 1 Matrix Point.
After publishing your article online, please register Matrix Code: PATHxxxx.04 at your free account at Please give the link to your article in the 'Proof' section. Publishing your article is worth 3 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code PATHxxxx.05
There is a mythical archetypal 'choice point' on the Path, called 'the eye of the needle'.
Even getting to the point of learning its name, or somehow recognizing that the eye of the needle is not just some 'biblical' bedtime story can take decades of preparation.
If you are here, reading this, then it could be time for you to go there and do that.
First do this Experiment. With your Possibility Team or 3Cell, talk it over:
- What does 'the eye of the needle' mean?
- If the Eye Of The Needle actually exists, what does this clarify about the values, goals, aspirations, products, services, career paths offered by modern culture?
- Where are the other Path walkers?
- Where are other Path walkers with regards to preparing themselves to make it through the Eye Of The Needle?
- Where are each of us in this Circle in our preparations?
- How could we help each other prepare, for real?
- How could we help those in this Circle who are not actually choosing to prepare themselves to go through the Eye Of The Needle, to insert themselves back into the value system of modern culture?
After having your Eye Of The Needle meeting, please register Matrix Code: PATHxxxx.05 in your free account at
Matrix Code PATHxxxx.06
Holy Mountain is a film by Alejandro Jodorowsky that pulls the rug out from underneath the fantasies you may have about the Path. What they find at the top of the mountain may shock your Box.
Call your Possibility Team and host a Possibility Movie Night. Keep your Sword out regarding the integrity of the space--this is not a night to eat popcorn or be distracted by your cellphone. Holy Mountain requires your full attention.
Once the film is over, sit in silence for 10-15 minutes. Let what you just saw move in you. Once this time has elapsed, open the floor for discussion with your Team. What fears arise in you? What fantasy worlds in you must crash after having seen this?
After completing this experiment, please enter Matrix Code PATHxxxx.06 in your free account at This experiment is worth 2 points.
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code PATHxxxx.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on Thank you for playing full out!